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Has anyone overcome anxiety?

for 21 år siden 0 25 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I can say I have kicked panic attacks from my life, they started when I was 14 and plauged me till I was 16, I had very few attacks up untill I was 19..and now I have been completely attack free. I still get panicy, but I have learned how to talk myself out of it and just find something tht will make me feel better when It happends...or when worse comes to worse I can find something ot get my mind off of it. so yes I know for a fact there is hope :o)
for 21 år siden 0 39 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi there..just read your post..i,m a chronic worrier..my mom is diagnosed with anxiety neurosis..so i know a bit about how to beat anxiety..one thing i can tell you for sure..you should decide..and tell yourself with conviction that nothing is as important as your health.thats what i do..i tell myself that if i,m healthy i can solve my problems..and have you tried affirmations? ..i can swear by it..my moms benefitted by positive self talk too..also please try and unwind and have your fun days..even when you dont feel like it,it,s really important
for 21 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks!!! I will try that yoga series, and also, that does make so much sense about why there aren't more posts. I know when I went 2 years without anxiety/panic/fear, the last thing I wanted to do was visit a site like this to "remind" me of all that. I appreciate all your input!!! Lisa
for 21 år siden 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Devonnsgirl There are perhaps three main reason why there aren't more success stories. First, by its very nature, a website like this is only used by people who are having serious panic problems that are interfering with their lives. People who have a panic attack once in a while but are geting along fine and people who have overcome panic disorder aren't much interested in particpating. Similarly, there isn't a lot of motivation for somebody who uses The Panic Center and gets better to stick around. Some people might stick around to help and encourage other people, but that is a lot to ask. Most people want to "put it behind" them and get on with their lives. Second, people with panic disorder tend to see the glass as "half empty". It is difficult for most people to see small victories, such as going to the grocery store or driving to an appointment as "success". (though I wish they would, as they are reaching a goal) People with panic disorder are more likely to see all of the things that they still "can't do" rather than the progress they have made. Beating panic disorder is hard work and one thing good therapists do is to help people recognize even small victories as "success stories" on the way to a better life. It partly for this reason that we very recently created the "success stories" forum, so that people share these kinds of small (and large) successes and encourage other people to recognize when they are succeeding in challenging their fear, even in small ways. Third, overnight "success stories" for panic disorder are quite rare. Most people overcome their panic disorder by a long serious of small steps that include learning how to do exposure work and learning to recognize and successfully challenge their anxious thoughts.
for 21 år siden 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have tried Yoga the Flow series for the beginners and it's pretty interesting and not too difficult. I think You can get them at any internet-based bookshop. It's a video series consisting of three parts, for the beginners, intermediate and advanced "yogins". Maybe this can be of help? Iwona
for 21 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was looking in the success stories post and there arn't many at all. I was curious if any of you have overcome anxiety or panic? I was panic/anxiety free for 2 years and am having a setback lately. I"m in therapy and on meds now, and my therapist assures me that I can beat this. But it gets discouraging, you know? And especially because I don't know anyone who has overcome anxiety before..actually, I don't personally know anyone who suffers with it like Ido. any encouraging words, thoughts, or comments? OH...also, a lot of you mentioned yoga. Are there any good videos out there that anyone has benefitted from? I'm really curious to hear back from any of you. Thanks so much, Lisa

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