I've met someone really special and I just told him about my "condition".(panic attacks,anxiety,some agorabphobia) He was VERY supportive. I explained that I take Xanax when it gets bad. He listened to how I feel and wanted to know why I am not on any medication? I explained about SSRI's and how I've tried a couple (Paxil, Lexapro, Zoloft) All they did was give me panic attacks and I couldn't get through the starter side-effects! I see a CBT, a psycologist and a accupuncturist once a week. He recently found out that his job wants to transfer him to another state, I am really upset. I would move for him in a heartbeat if I wasn't so bad off with anxiety, I can't even drive more than 20miles away from my apt. now. How could I move? I am in love with this man. He is thinking about looking for another job and figuring out a way to stay here FOR ME, but he is worried about my "condition" . He needs to know more and maybe he'll understand. He was asking lots of questions.. He wanted to know when, or IF this would pass (I've had this cluster for 2 1/2years, I had one 10 years ago for 1 year, then it dissapeared for 6 years) He wanted to know why I can't do certain things, like go to the mall, go in cars with other people.. basically I can't do anything that requires me to have no control over a situation. I explanied that this is something that my mothers side of the family had and I'll probably be dealing with it on and off for my entire life. He asked about me having children, with my anxiety and if I could (I want to, I'm 30) I told him I want to, I just want to be better. He wants me to meet his family, they live about 2,000miles away. I haven't been on a plane in 15 years! He doesn't really get it that I can't just jump on a plane. He wants to know if we were together if we could have a "normal" relationship? I don't know? I told him I have good days and bad days... This situation is stressing me out, I am going to lose this guy because I can't "snap" out of it. I want this to go away, if he moves which is %80.. I'll never forgive myself for having this **** "problem". This is why I don't let anyone in my world, for fear that I can't do "normal" things and it isn't fair to them. I can't be that perfect girl... at least not right now. Knowing that, he will pro