After 2 weeks of being with my new "love" interest. I told him about my panic attacks! It was a big step for me. I explained to him what happens to me physically and mentally and he wanted to know what he could do to help? I told him just to be there to listen. I was sure he was going to think I was not "normal" or something, but the next day he sent me flowers to my work, with a card that said "You can do anything you want to do,I have faith in you,I will be here for you" I cried. I do everytime I read that card!! Since I told him I've had 2 panic attacks while he was with me.. I think I was more weirded out than him, cause I don't want anyone to see me like that, but he told me that he couldn't even tell. He just sat with me and talked to me and told me how great and smart and pretty I was (what a guy) and that I have nothing to worry about. I eventually came down though I noticed it was harder for me to with him there. I'm used to being alone. I'm so scared that I will get used to him being there and I don't want to become dependent on anyone.. And to top it all off, he just told me today that his job is transfering him to another state in a month, even though they said he'd be here for another year. He was very scared to tell me because of obvious reasons and the fact that I panic alot. He is sad and upset and telling me he doesn't want to leave, and he's trying to figure out how to stay here.... I am pretty sad.. I think I have bad luck. Now I don't know what to do? I waited SO long to let someone in my life, and now look. Part of me wants to run from him now, I am going to get my heart clobbered when he leaves and that's one of the reasons I didn't want to get involved with anyone right now. I don't know how I will handle him leaving, I'm pretty sure he will. I've come so far with this anxiety and I'm scared this is going to set me back big time! Through counseling, I've learned my major issue is abandonment and this sure isn't going to help... HELP!