WHen you hyperventilate it does make it harder to breathe, also
overbreathing makes your lungs and diaphram tired and sometimes
even a little sore. This can result in feelings of pressure and pain.
Some people dont just overbreathe, but actually swallow air which can
add to the pressure feeling. Burping can help for some people.
Generally though it is a psychosomatic problem - you feel like you cant
breathe, misintepret the feelings of hyperventilation as being
something else (and usually worse) and panic as a result.
My dr told me that the worst that can happen with severe
hyperventilation is that you faint for a brief period, your breathing
returns to normal, and then you wake up.
Learning to breathe correctly, and minimising anxiety is the key. But
yes, overbreathing all the time can make your breathing a little more