I am sooo frustrated. I have anxiety caused by a number of health problems that I've been trying to get diagnosed for several years. For a while I'd see a specialist and he'd try this or that. Then he'd refer me to a different specialist and so on. Then, a few months ago, the stress and a huge Meniere's (vertigo caused by inner ear fluid) got to me and I started to have panic attacks. I'm seeing a therapist, my primary MD and I've been bounced from my allergist to an ENT for sinuses to a TMJ guy to (now) a Neurologist for my symptoms. Since I lost my job, my family has had to get small group insurance and my agent sold us on the lowest fee policy as he said, "most people never get sick". Well guess what, I did and my bills are now in the thousands since they won't cover more than a few visits a year, only a limited $ for labs/xrays and no psychotherapy. Since we've made that discovery, I'll have to limit my office visits and I'll probably have to drop therapy. My therapist said to definitely see the neurologist, so I am planning on that, but has anyone else faced this? It's making me more anxious worrying about the bills. I haven't had anymore big panic attacks, but I do feel anxious. The anti-depressants made me so physically ill, my doc took me off them, so I rely on an occasional xanax and relaxation methods. Any thoughts?