Yes, that's what my anxiety is from. I had my first attack after a nocturnal vertigo attack - I have an inner ear condition that is not responding to meds and they won't operate because my hearing is intact. I also have headaches, eye pain, head pain and tingling that I am trying to get diagnosed. (It could be TMJ or something else - I am seeing a neurologist and TMJ specialist). After the initial attack, I only had about 6 panic attacks all in a row one week. I was away on vacation and was worrying I would have a vertigo attack again. I also have small kids and a husband that travels, so I worry about being alone and being responsible for them. My attacks make me physically sick (stomach) so I'm down for 1/2 a day. Since I've had treatment, the attacks have stopped pretty much (I've had some tiny ones). I was on Lexapro, but it made me so sick that my doc made me stop. I'm still going thru withdrawl form that, but my stomach is recovering. I'm in the midst of seeing a bunch of doctors this month to get this stuff resolved, but my insurance stinks, so it's all out of pocket, thus more worrying (about money) but I need some answers and, hopefully some treatment that works. Anyway, I do take the L-Thianine and also a valerian-based herbal combo at night for sleep. I'm hoping I can stay off any further meds (SSRI's)through talk-therapy, the natural remedies and actually getting some diagnoses for my health problems. Thanks for your concern! I'm actually feeling much better lately since getting off the Lexapro and, of course, knowing that the anxiety was causing the attacks.