jamie my dr. put me on clonazapam at night time because i was having panic attacks during the night. when i started taking it at bedtime i slept better and wasnt waking up with them. it also lasts longer then ativan. im no longer taking ativan.
hrmm that doesn€™t make much sense because those are both benzo's, why would he trade one for the other or have you on two separate ones? I'm not doubting you just saying it doesn€™t make sense and yes it is somewhat addictive, all benzo's are.
im on this medication and have been for about a year now. i take .5 at night time before going to bed. i take half of this doseage in the a m but im starting to get more attacks now. am wondering how addictive this medication is? i was on ativan butmy dr. wanted me to simplify my meds since i was taking clonazapam at night and the ativan as needed during the day. any thoughts here? very small dosage on the ativan. just want the panic attacks to go away.