I've had panic attacks on and off for 10 years (I'm 30) I take Ativan .5 3 x's a day. I don't tolerate SSRI's very well.. So those are out. I've been trying to read as much as possible. I also see a CBT and a psychologist once a week...
But, today was a miracle....
I went to a @#*&$%^ movie today!! -Finding Nemo- I had been reading some panic attack self help books, and it says the only way to conquer your fear is to face it! So I said to myself what can I do today that is not in my "comfort zone". I don't know what came over me, but in the afternoon I just said, you know what I AM going to go to a movie (not, I'm going to TRY to go to a movie) big difference!! I am crying as I write this, cause I haven't been to a movie theater in 4 years!! Maybe there is hope!!!