I was diagnosed with panic attacks 10 years ago, I had a time where I didn't have any for years. But they have been back now for 2 years.. I am 30. I live alone, It's tough to not have someone here with me, but I still work, thank god. my parents live about 45 min. away. None of my friends know about this. I see a CBT therapist once a week, a Pyschologist once a week, and an acupuncturist once a week.. They all help in their own way to ease my nerves. These bills aren't cheap. I take .5 Ativan as needed. I never thought I needed to be on a medication other than that untill a couple of months ago. It's not so much the panic attacks that were getting to me, but the constant state of anxiety that looms over my head day and night. In the past 3 months I have tried Paxil (made me super jittery like I was going to flip out) Lexapro ( gave me clusters of panic attacks one after another) Zoloft (made me so depressed I cried, was tired and couldn't function) Gabitril (gave me bad diarreah and dizziness) SO... on that note, I don't know what to do I don't understand why something has to make you feel so horrible in order to "help" you. When I try a med. and feel the side-effects, I can't wait to get off it and be back to my old panic ridden self. Ahhh I guess some people just aren't meant to be on these meds?? Or maybe I am not strong enough to push through the wretching side-effects? I am at a loss. I guess someone just needs to invent that MAGIC pill, untill then, I'll hold on to my Ativan. Any suggestions would be helpful :)