I€™ve been on it a month now and I haven€™t had an attack since I started taking it and I no longer have any side effects. I think it€™s a great medication.
I'm trying to get as much info. on Effexor and Lexapro. I have tried Lexapro (5mg) for a couple of days, I remember not having any side effects except feeling panicky (it could have been in my head though) That scared me so I stopped. I've never tried Effexor. I'm thinking of trying one or the other.... I can't afford to take anything that will make me lose weight, cause I'm naturally thin and it's hard to keep weight on me. I would like to know what you've experienced good or bad. I just need some input ....PLEASE
I have found that the symptoms return briefly each time the doseage is increased. I still cannot get a full nights sleep on a regular basis. I wish they'd let us take a nap at work! :)
Tomorrow will make a week on this stuff and after a few hours on the first day I already felt better. This stuff is amazing. All of the side effects seemed to be physical too and not mental like with SSRI€™s. Like you aren€™t real hungry the first few days and you feel nauseous and it€™s hard to sleep but not as hard as it was for me with Paxil, but all of that seems to be gone already and it hasn€™t even been a week.
Thanks and it was my doctor that gave it to me, lol. So I already did the consult your physician part I just wanted to see people who have taken its opinions. And yeah I feel nauseous but I find it really hard to eat, no appetite, so I force myself to eat something when I take it and I am intending on taking it first thing in the morning because I have had trouble sleeping for years and before I started this I could finally sleep at night so I want to take is as early as possible so I can try to avoid it messing with my sleep. Thanks for you input.
I can only relate my reactions and solutions you should consult your physician.
It caused me to experience nausea until I discovered keeping some food in my stomach at all times greatly reduced this. That means smaller portions at mealtimes unless you dont mind gaining weight. So far I have been able to maintain my boyish figure by adjusting my meal portions to compensate for the extra food intake.
I found that a healthy snack of some absorbant food (I use pita bread) every 3 hours or so will keep the nausea in check. Be sure to eat something before retiring for the evening and then as soon as you wake up....I dont mean 1/2 hour after you wake up, I mean as soon as you wake up go to the kitchen and eat a piece of toast or bread. That helps me tremendously. I understand that when you level off the nausea will subside and the constant snacking may not be necessary.
Dont take it in the evening unless you dont want to sleep. It kept me up and really messed with my sleep pattern. I take it, you guessed it, as soon as I wake up. I feel jittery first thing in the morning but that goes away after I eat something. During the day I often feel like I have taken an over the counter cold medication, slightly wired. Not bad though.
I will say that it seems to be working for me and I have been using it for three weeks now. Be patient it takes some time to be effective.
Best of luck and keep us posted.