I had a pretty bad reaction (anxiety attack) after the first week of being on the Effexor. I just stuck it out and it got much better. No guarantee that it will do the same for you but that was my experience. If you were having anxiety attacks prior to taking the Effexor it seems premature to attribute this one to the Effexor after only one dose. Cantact your doctor for advice. Best of luck.
As for me....a funny story.
Ever since I have begun this work on myself my goal has been to wake up in the morning raring to go and feeling great.
Well, today was that day! I woke to the alarm and noticed a difference immediately. I had gone all day yesterday without the negative thoughts, I had caught a little nap, I re-arranged the bedroom while the wife was out shopping...SURPRISE! :) Anyway, it was a good day yesterday. But this morning I woke and felt like I was not at all sick! No anxious feelings, no nervousness, no shaking...just feeling great. I sprung out of bed and started my day.
Whats so funny about that you may ask? Well, after about 5 minutes of feeling great I had an inner question. "Why was I feeling so good?" Hahaha, It seems that I had become so used to feeling poorly in the morning that when I finally got my wish to feel great, I thought something must be wrong!
I wonder if re-arranging the bedroom had some feng-shui kind of thing going on. Thats not possible is it? Naw.....well, I dunno, maybe.
Anyway, I feel better today than I have since I started this thread. Hooray for me!
Thanks for reading.