Hello. My story is a little complicated. I quit smoking because of tingling in my arms, especially left, because I had a couple of panic attacks because of it. Than, when I quit smoking, my anxiety level seem to increase all the time and I would have more frequent panic attacks. A month after quitting smoking, my anxiety is not so high any more and I have gone over 2 weeks with out a panic attack. HOWEVER, my neck is sore, my back is sore, especially in my right shoulder blade area, sometimes my upper chest, under my arms and my arms feel different too. I have been trying to figure out what causes what. I think my neck pain and upper back might cause the anxiety. I had X-rays done recently to see if something was wrong but haven't heard back from the doc yet. I will post results when I do. However, I think if I have a pinched nerve, than an X-ray may not reveal it. On the other hand, all my life, up until 3 months ago I never let anything my body was telling me affect me. I am 34. I told every body I would live to 100, even though I smoked a pack a day, a joint a day, and drank socially some times a lot, usually beer. After that first panic attack 3 months ago, my way of thinking has changed dramatically. I will never ever smoke anything again. Right now I FEAR that either will throw me into a panic attack so it is simply not an option. I will still drink, but moderately, because I BELIEVE 2 drinks a day is good for your cholesterol.
IN conclusion, I think that probably because I quit smoking, and I am tense, or maybe because I might be mildly worried about another panic attack, I am more tense which leads to my neck and upper back soreness. It can be so complicated, this matter of self diagnose and doubt about one's health. But I do know this, when I am out an about, doing something, looking forward to something, and keeping my mind busy, I have way less anxiety. Any way good luck. It seems as if every bodie's anxiety and panic is a little different, but, in the end, it is all in the mind. Chew Gum. later. SEAN