hello, i take zoloft 50mg, i have been taking it for 5/6wks and just starting to feel better. like you i have been suffering with pa and anxiety on and off for 6 years, just latley they have got really bad, i moved into a new house 6wks ago and thats when it started. i have been signed off work, i can usually cope with work but it got so bad i couldnt face it. the zoloft has really helped me, although somedays i do feel emotionless i am getting better, i dont cry as much and now i am taking trips in my car, visiting friends going shopping etc, i hope to go back to work this week. i cant say i had any side effects, i have taken this med before and it did work, i took it for about a year and was totally fine for about a year until i moved. try the med i think it works, good luck.