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Connection between inner ear and Panic?

for 21 år siden 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
missdjrane - I have the exact same probelm as you! It was as if I wrote that post myself - except I dont like to take medication 'cause it makes me feel worse :( I thought I was the only one on this crazy ride and since I live alone it's really hard to cope sometimes. My anxiety levels are very high and the fact that I feel this imbalance all the time makes me so uncomfortable most of the time.
for 21 år siden 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi ellie i also have problems with inner ear problems. i was diagnosed this last year with menieres disease. alot of times in the a m you would think im drunk. my dr. put me on meclizine which really does help.i think vertigo and panic attacks go hand in hand. seems to be to many people with ear problems for it not to be. i used to get them so bad i would have to crawl to the bathroom or use the walls or whatever was around me to stay upright. so i truely feel for anyone who has ear problems and panic disorder. my panic attacks came out of the blue with no reason i could think of and am still working on what causes mine. let me know how you are doing.
for 21 år siden 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
After reading these, I realize that my panic attacks have been happening for years. I used to get extremely dizzy and faint in new sitiuations. MY doctor could never figure it out. They monitored my blood sugar when I was at work and it was always normal. I thought I was weird. A few months ago I had a full blown attack where I could not calm down and I couldn't breathe. I am now on medication and have not had a fainting spell since.
for 21 år siden 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I had my first attack after my first "benign positional vertigo attack" in the middle of the night. I have Meniere's disease in my right ear (extra inner ear fluid). Symptoms can include vertigo, spinning attacks, feeling like you're on a boat or "rocking", tinnitus (ringing), ear pain and fullness and loss of hearing. I was diagnosed two years ago with the Meniere's because I kept getting dizzy - I just had the panic attack a few months ago but they've stopped since I understand what's happening to me. If you're concerned about an inner ear problem, I'd suggest you see an ear specialist or ENT specialst. There are very specific tests that can tell you if it's you're ears causing the vertigo and they can treat it (not cure it, though). I'm one of those people who needs to know the cause and details of what is happening to me and what I can do about it (an information junkie...) Info and education has helped me cope with both conditions. Good luck to you all and keep us posted on how you're doing.
for 21 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i have thi svery same problem. i have had panic attacks for years, and every couple of months i have problems with balance. When I walk I feel like i'm swaying to one side. I have asked every doctor for help, and they all told me it is part of panic attacks. My mom expereienced this same feeling for six years and with age it went away.
for 21 år siden 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Years ago during my first couple of panic attacks, dizziness was my main problem, went to get my ears checked, my vision, ect... I was put on Antivert (anti-diziness med) by one doctor, antihistamines by another, but no one knew what it was. The meds they gave me didn't help and almost made me spin more. After I saw a pyschiatrist he said it was the anxiety throwing me off.. I was on Xanax for a while and that stopped it. 6 Years later, I'm having my attacks again, it is hard to describe the feelings but, At night I will be sound asleep and lying down flat on my back and I'm suddenly wide awake and the room is spinning, like I'm on a ride. I immediately start panicking. I live alone so that sucks, I keep Xanax next to the bed. I have to pop one and then I end up lying there crying untill its over or I fall back asleep, That is usually how I spend my early mornings.... My whole panic thing is dizziness..it comes in waves, never knowing when. I am always off kilter, when I feel any unbalance coming on, I panic, that makes it worse, I have to move my head very slow to turn ,sitting doesn't help, laying down makes me feel like I'm sinking, when I walk, I tilt or sway to the side, I don't think anyone else notices it though. It scares the hell out of me, what I wouldn't do to walk a straight line for one day!! I just started Zoloft , I don't know what to expect but, I have to beat this!!! YUCK Get me off this boat....
for 21 år siden 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I have doing some reading of many of the posts here and on a few other sites. I am finding it very coincidental that many who suffer with panic disorder also have inner ear or vertigo problems as well. My first panic attack resulted from an acute case of vertigo. At the time, I was convinced I had a brain tumor and when the first doctor I went to said it was my sinuses I thought he was crazy. I also thought my panic attack was a reaction to the sinus medication. I also notice that my panic attacks usually occur when I experience vertigo symptoms. Even when I don't have an attack, as soon as I start feeling off balance I get very anxious. I also do this when my vision gets weird as a result of migraine aura without the headache. Any thoughts? Renee

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