Years ago during my first couple of panic attacks, dizziness was my main problem, went to get my ears checked, my vision, ect... I was put on Antivert (anti-diziness med) by one doctor, antihistamines by another, but no one knew what it was. The meds they gave me didn't help and almost made me spin more. After I saw a pyschiatrist he said it was the anxiety throwing me off.. I was on Xanax for a while and that stopped it. 6 Years later, I'm having my attacks again, it is hard to describe the feelings but, At night I will be sound asleep and lying down flat on my back and I'm suddenly wide awake and the room is spinning, like I'm on a ride. I immediately start panicking. I live alone so that sucks, I keep Xanax next to the bed. I have to pop one and then I end up lying there crying untill its over or I fall back asleep, That is usually how I spend my early mornings.... My whole panic thing is comes in waves, never knowing when. I am always off kilter, when I feel any unbalance coming on, I panic, that makes it worse, I have to move my head very slow to turn ,sitting doesn't help, laying down makes me feel like I'm sinking, when I walk, I tilt or sway to the side, I don't think anyone else notices it though. It scares the hell out of me, what I wouldn't do to walk a straight line for one day!! I just started Zoloft , I don't know what to expect but, I have to beat this!!! YUCK Get me off this boat....