Hi, Velvet. We just installed a buddy IM on another of our sites and it's in 'the beginning stages of perfection'. We're not ruling out the possibility of having on here. Stay tuned. We,ll keep you posted. Thanks for your input on this.
Hi there, I live in Las Vegas but I think it could be helpful if we all could find a chat room perhaps on Yahoo or something and made a time once a week to chat together. I am part of a group for weight loss and they have a chat room which meets on Monday nights, and it seems to be very successful. I also have the concern of being VERY agoraphobic and of course this stops me from going to any type of meeting outside of the house. I just started the Panic Program and going to a group will be something for me to face down the line but for right now I would be VERY happy with online chat. Maybe even the Moderator's could show up once in a while for Q & A? I just had another idea/suggestion, (for the moderators reading this) why not have a chat room on this site? (Just an idea) don't even know if that is a possibility? Let me know and we can go from here?? Thanks and Good Luck..
Hi, Shannon. Until you can find a 'live' group in your city, you're welcome to participate in this group. If you feel yourself getting worse as you say you do, then perhaps you would consider following the panic program to help you challenge your anxious thoughts. You don't have to race through it. In fact, it's better when you take your time and do it well. By challenging your anxious thoughts you may just see a halt in your spiral and a turn upward towards progress.
Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
I can't find a local social phobia/anxiety/agrophobia group anywhere here in Austin,TX. If I do find one, they aren't accepting anyone new. I have my own online social phobia group, just hoping to network with others, but I can't find people online either(living in Austin). Can someone help me. I am slowly getting worse each day here. I am seeing a shrink, in case anyone asks.