I'm sure you're not alone in wondering about all of this, so it's good to review the site rules every now and then, for everyone who comes upon our site.
"Any information or content on this Web site is not to replace a physician's advice." That's where the bottom line is. If we tread over that line into the privileged territory reserved for a physician, a psychiatrist or a therapist/and his patient, and protected by the laws of our countries, then we are treading into territory that is legally licensed, regardless of what opinions we hold. Thus, our site's policy.
The spirit of a support group is not to give advice. It's to share, encourage, to find and give support to fellow sufferers and to receive understanding, inspiration, ideas, and support from them too.
Take the idea of "medication advice": True, doctors don't know everything, but doctors (MDs) and pharmacists are still your safest bet for medication advice. That's their job. We simply cannot get into giving medication advice or encouraging people to give medication advice to each other in the Support Group. It may be okay for people to share what has worked for them but our job is to encourage people to talk to their doctor about it.
We must not do harm either. On the Internet, some of our members are indeed vulnerable people, and experience desperation at certain moments. Some have more than one diagnosis, and when vulnerable or desperate can follow any advice or perceived advice coming their way from suggestions or advice that could harm them. We do our best to avoid this.
Regardless of what studies you or I have done, we nevertheless are not the ones licensed to diagnose, or to advocate that they change a course of prescribed therapy by their physician, psychiatrist or therapist. We thus encourage people to discuss medication problems with their pharmacist or prescribing physician. Even some natural remedies or over the counter things can interact with medications.
Grapefruit interacts with some meds, as does simple stomach antacid sometimes, depending on the medication people are taking. It's always best to get the best professional advice. Pharmacists, researchers and Drs do try to exchange information.
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