Hi Donna,
I was just browsing through and haven't read your history, but first off, let me say congrats on the progress you have made! Always be proud of your progress. Progress is progress, and any 'setbacks' we have along the way, we still have our progressess (sp?) to remind us, that we can pull through any setback - does that make sense? I like to remind myself "progress not perfection"... because anxiety is something I battle with often, but I constantly strive for progress ....
as for the muscle spasms....I was curious if you were taking any anti-anxiety meds.... only because, I had read awhile back when I was researching some meds that some people had complained of muscle spasms as a side affect of a specific med...... that was one thought I had. Anne-Marie would probably have the best response for your question, because I think muscle spasms can happen for all kinds of reasons.
In any case, stay positive and don't let this get you down, you'll get an answer and find a solution - stay in touch, I'm interested to hear what you find out and how you're doing! Stay positive and try not to focus too much on the muscle spasms (even though I imagine it's hard to ignore) - you'll find a solution to this and it'll be one more thing you've overcome and made you stronger!