[color=Maroon]Thank you for all of the information. You know what they say, Knowledge is power. lol. So I guess once I'm on paxil, i'll be sure ot take it and not come off of it unless doctor says so. :)
I know how you all feel about being afraid of illness. I'm not as afraid as you, but I can relate. I have this extreme fear of cigarrette smoke. My grandmoter has lung cancer and I'm scared to death of smoke. When somebody is smoking, like my grandmother for example, I panic. I feel like I can't breathe, I feel like i could die and I hold my breathe until I turn bluein the face because I'm so afriad of breathing in the smoke. I don't want to die of lung cancer. My fiancee and I have such a horrible problem, becuase she has smoked for years and I'm scared that she will die of lung cancer. SHe keeps trying to quit and she does good, I admire her efforts. Sometimes she goes for 6 months without smoking, other times it's only a few weeks, but she's trying so hard. I give her lal the support I can, but I'm so afraid that she won't be able to quit. What if she gets cancer while we are married? I dont' want to loser her. I dont' want to see her suffer. :([/color]