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for 21 år siden 0 147 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I€™m glad you posted that, I think it needed to be said, the doctor tells you there are no withdrawal symptoms because it isn€™t addictive and we believe it, but that isn€™t€™ really true.
for 21 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ihave been on Paxil for a year now. I was told it was not addicting and I would only have to take it for 8-9 months. The drug quickly began to work and there was a big change in my attitude and mood, and it was noticied by all those around me. I was feeling great. I attempted to stop taking paxil numerous time. I will be fine the first couple days but usually by the 3rd day I was a complete mess. I was feeling tired, dizzy, nausea, irritable, and even body tremors. Nothing mattered I felt like throwing everything and everyone away. I wanted to be alone. I imediately got back on it. I tried dealing with the withdraw symptoms, but after 2 days I could not take it anymore. I had to get back on it I knew if I didnt I would loose everything I had at the time. My advise for anybody starting this medication. DONT! There are many people that can agree with my story. and the symptoms always usually start after the 3rd day.
for 21 år siden 0 147 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I€™m not trying to tell you what to do but some people have a great difficulty coming off of Paxil and I wouldn€™t€™ just take something because your doctor tells you to, I would do some research first, it€™s your life not your doctors and some doctor€™s aren€™t worried about your withdrawals and some get kickbacks by over prescribing certain medications. I€™m not saying not to take it but I am saying do research on your own and make an informed decision, because this is the kind of thing you need to be careful with, you don€™t want to end up having to take it for the rest of your life because your body won€™t allow you to come off of it, so just be careful.
for 21 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hmm. Interesting. Thanks guys. I see some people have trouble and others don't. Different people react differently to meds, I know, but I'm just trying to get an average from it all. But If doc says, Paxil CR, then I'll say "okay. paxil cr".
for 21 år siden 0 147 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was on Paxil CR for 28 days, the 12.5, and I was so afraid of the withdrawals I would go through because of everything I heard. However, I was very lucky and didn't have any withdrawal symptoms. In fact I found it much worse going on to Paxil than coming off. However because of the risks I know about now I won't go back on it even though I didn€™t' suffer any withdraws and I realized once I was off it how much in a vegetative state I was in when I was on it and I don€™t like feeling that way. So for now I have Valium for when I have attacks and am just starting the program so hopefully I won't need any medication soon.
for 21 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
[color=Maroon]Thank you for all of the information. You know what they say, Knowledge is power. lol. So I guess once I'm on paxil, i'll be sure ot take it and not come off of it unless doctor says so. :) I know how you all feel about being afraid of illness. I'm not as afraid as you, but I can relate. I have this extreme fear of cigarrette smoke. My grandmoter has lung cancer and I'm scared to death of smoke. When somebody is smoking, like my grandmother for example, I panic. I feel like I can't breathe, I feel like i could die and I hold my breathe until I turn bluein the face because I'm so afriad of breathing in the smoke. I don't want to die of lung cancer. My fiancee and I have such a horrible problem, becuase she has smoked for years and I'm scared that she will die of lung cancer. SHe keeps trying to quit and she does good, I admire her efforts. Sometimes she goes for 6 months without smoking, other times it's only a few weeks, but she's trying so hard. I give her lal the support I can, but I'm so afraid that she won't be able to quit. What if she gets cancer while we are married? I dont' want to loser her. I dont' want to see her suffer. :([/color]
for 21 år siden 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It is fairly common for people to experience some withdrawal symptoms that can ionclude dizziness, nervousness, insomnia, and agitation when they miss doses or stop taking the shorter-acting serotonergic agents. These discontinuation effects may be more common for patients taking paroxetine (non-CR) because of its relativey short half-life as compared to the other SSRIs (e.g., sertraline, citalopram, and paroxetine). On the other hand, paroxetine may be getting a "bad rap" only because there have been more good studies of paroxetine, so there is more information about these kind of effects. One reason for developing controlled release formulations was to get around the "missing a dose" problem. You don't have to take the CR formulations as often and the controlled release is supposed to balance the effects of a relatively short half-life. It is important to note that a doctor can help you make decisions about stopping medications and help you do it in a way (known as "titrating down" or "tapering down") that will help minimize side effects. If you are thinking about stopping your SSRI or other medication, talk to your doctor first.
for 21 år siden 0 131 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Melinda, I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety for over 2 years now. I have also had the problem with the stabbing feelings in my head. I was eventually referred for a CAT scan, and the neurologist find nothing wrong and said it was all to do with anxiety and tension. I also worry about having all sorts of life threatening illnesses, which I get myself into a right state about. One day I think I must have a brain tumour due to really bad headaches, then the next day I am worrying myself sick about something else. It is like a never ending vicious circle which I cant seem to break from. I have been doing the Panic Program for over 6 weeks now, which I am finding very useful. My only problem is dealing with my anxious thoughts about my health, as I cannot seem to challenge them. Whenever I have a panic attack, I always think I am going to die from it and I cant convince myself that I am not. I hope I have been of some use to you. Thank you.
for 21 år siden 0 78 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Shade: The reason I don€™t want to tell you about what side effects there are is because I have this problem that I think everything happens to me, i.e. someone has cancer I think I have it, someone is dieing of a brain clot I think I have one etc etc: to make a long store really really short I think I€™m dieing of something new ever single week and it really blows even on the paxil I think this€¦. (and I don't know how you are and I don't want you to think the way I do.) I know think I have a brain clot because I have been getting these pains in the top of my head like someone is stabbing it. Last month I thought I was having heart problems and the next week I thought my lung was going to collapse. So do you understand why I don€™t want to go into telling you why it really blows coming off paxil? Okay so you feel like your having coke withdrawal and you get really dizzy tired sick to your stomach can€™t eat and I my self would get really irritable really quick... Almost like I wanted to kill someone... that was only the first couple of days then after that I would cry and the want to site in the ER because I would think something was wrong with me all over again. It€™s never ending and I feel like I€™m stuck in this world of my own and none is ever going to help me out of it. I have thought many times of killing my self but then other times it gets better and then worse again. My father had panic attacks and so do my sister and other cousins so I know I€™m not alone but it really feels like I am. But everyone has different types of panic what kind do you have.
for 21 år siden 0 38 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
It sucks coming off of Paxil huh? Hmm. Interesting info. Why does it suck to much? I mean, do you have side effects or is it more of an addiction? I'm just after info so I'll know what I'm up against. heh

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