I agree that you should seek medical attention, however if you download the panic program in the first week€™s lesson the question: Am I going crazy is addressed and the answer is: Even though you may feel like you€™re going crazy, panic attacks do not lead to more serious mental health problems like schizophrenia. If you€™re worried about going crazy, forget it, it just doesn€™t happen.
Sometimes panic happens with other conditions such as depression. However, your concerns are quite common. Others have posted about this in the group messages too.
Try to get to a doctor as soon as you can about your panic, so you can address it and begin treatment. Read what you can in the Panic program. Print out the forms and fill them in as best you can. The Panic Diary is useful to keep a record of your panic attacks.
can I became a crazy because Panic attacks or derealization ?
a feeling of being detached or outside your body or a feeling that things around you were strange, weird, unreal, or unfamiliar
I think there are no thing , I am nut human , this is not the word
I cannt understand how I am here and things there ?
does that maybe develop to schizofrinia ?
I am fear from this feeling and thinking ..