Dear Foaped,
Something that has worked for me very very well, is 'always' having my meds in my purse! I learned that the hard way. Thinking I didn't need them or saying I wouldn't be gone that long or even just flat have forgotten them. Even if I don't use even one all day long, I know I have it if I need it. I suppose one could compare it to a 'security blanket! Sounds so simple, but it is. I have had feelings of panic creeping up on me and I have had to be some place - have had to drive there, etc, etc. So, I just put my Ativan (coinsidently) in my purse and off I go. I have to say this little technique has warded off many panic attack! Now, this has not 'cured' me of panicing - but I do believe it is a step in the right direction. I think - if the mind/body/spirit can go without panicing for 'long periods of time'(careful monitoring on our parts)- making progress on our agoraphobia with 'baby stepping our way out the door and up the street', our minds will get 'used' to the feelings of safety. And, of course praising myself for what ever I do to combat this problem, no mattter how small it is! What do you think?
Merry Christmas to you!!