for Nervous. Sometimes it helps if you keep a radio on and if you wake up in the night, there is more than just quiet and you don't feel so alone. Or get up and do some posting in the forum. You know that someone is reading them, even if they are not signed in. If you can avoid up-ing your meds, do so, because when I did that, I was like a walking zombie for awhile. The least amount you can get away with, the better, and try deep breething, or listening to a talk show on the radio. Anything to calm you down, but I wouldn't advise up-ing meds unless all else fails. We know that there are always reactions to panic attacks, and if we can deal with them in ways other than over-medicating, thats the best thing, even tho we have some bad reactions till we can get hld of them mentally on our own. Just a thought, and I hope you're doing better. We are all here to help when these things rear thier ugly heads, and can help you get thru them. Just post and vent. Luv, Suzy. :blush: ;)