I feel i am totally losing it. Although i know i'm not, after reading information on the net... it just feels that way. I'm 22 and the last year or so have been extremely bad for me. I mean, nothing bad has really happened, actually quite the opposite... things have been really good for me, but my vision has changed, i don't know if it's what you call 'tunnel vision', but nothing looks real, any of the time. I don't seem to have periferal (however it's spelt) vision, i can only see right in front of me. It used to just happen every now and then, but now it is constant. I feel extremely nervous talking to anyone, even close friends a lot of the time. Like them asking me a simple question and me not being able to answer it at the time because i can't think, then me getting embarrased, them asking why i am blushing which adds to it even more and i feel like i am going to faint. I can't even go to the shops because i feel to paranoid like everyone is watching me. I've read a lot on the net lately, and i seem to have every symptom for derealisation plus the paranoia thing, but not so much depersonalisation. It is driving me crazy and i have started to have thoughts about ending it all. At the moment i'm not seriously thinking about it, but i feel reality is slipping away more and more. I don't even know if i can see a psychiatrist because i am scared being around other people. Friends have also told me that i look like i am tripping out all the time, which adds more to the paranoia. At this stage of my life, i should be extremely happy because everything is fine for me, but for some reason i can never get happy, and i think it's all of this that is leading to depression. Can anyone help me? I really need a way to try to settle this down, so i can at least see a psychiatrist. Sorry for the long letter.