Hi mehere,
I can relate to your fear and your concerns and can only imagine what you're going through right now... I'm glad that you're working with a psychiatrist - and it sounds like you've gotten the police involved and they're probably working on investigating the incident to build up for an arrest -- I can understand keeping details out of a public forum, which makes sense - so since that causes fear for you, and the police have also advised against it, you can at least feel safe discussing how you're "feeling" about it all, meaning the panic, fear, feeling trapped maybe? and how you're working through those feelings? try to focus on what IS in your control.... although it sounds like a very difficult position to be in - with the husband being involved and having children, I know that you will find the strength and courage to find a solution to help yourself and your children to safety. As for the site here, it's pretty well anonymous - you are another person, like any of us, battling anixety/panic disorders.... none of us have the ability to judge OR diagnose - we're just here to help & support as best we can..... I'm glad that you feel a little bit of relief from posting, and hopefully, a little bit of 'safety' in it as well. If you're concerned about your husband finding out about you posting online, you can always go to a friends' house, or somewhere other than your home to sign on and post.
I'll keep you in my thoughts for safety....
with care&compassion,