Hi! My name is Jennifer and I'm very glad to have found this site! I have depression and major anxiety. I don't know if I really have "panic attacks", but when I get really anxious, I start to get sick like getting a stomach ache and things like that. And I CAN NOT stay still or handle when it takes too long to get to a destination. I have a major fear of driving, because I feel like if I don't drive, Im preventing myself from dying in a car accident, or killing someone else. When my husband goes somewhere, I panic that something will happen to him. I think about dying, or my husband dying on a regular basis. Im scared to death of it. (no pun intended!) I've been trying to get pregnant for two years will no success, and I fear it will never happen. Im a major hypocondriac. I was put on prozac, but I never take it for fear it will prevent me from getting pregnant. I also am obsessive about perfection and organization. Does anyone know exactly what my fears are called? Can anyone relate to my specific fears? I feel crazy soemtimes like I can't get a grip. My fears and anxiety are controlling my life!