Hi Johnny. You're welcome to vent, and more importantly find some help and support.
I would encourage you to sign up for the Panic Diary as well as the Panic Program. The diary is to record your attacks, meds and fear level, while the panic program will help you to learn how to move forward in baby steps. If you do the homework as set out, taking the time to do it right, you will be able to see improvement.
I got my first panic attack right after christmas when i was
watching a movie...it then subsided till this last week were i
have been suffering for the past three days... i finally went to
the ER and they said everything appeared ok with me and
that i was just having a panic attack , so they prescribed
valium to me ...
but now it is temporary releif but i still feel it waiting to come
back as soon as the valium wears off. i even drink a lot of
herbal tea just so i can rest but even that isnt working
anymore....how can i make this stop....i want thinks to be
normal again......
sorry but i just wanted to vent some of my frustration on this
very helpful site.