Hi Jackie,
Such a hard thing. I know exactly how you feel. I am there sometimes too. All I can think of to tell you to try what has worked for me when I feel like I am crawling out of my skin is...do you have a walkman or any kind of radio with earphones? If not, see if you can get one. I have found, when I am in the place you describe, the LAST thing I can stand is my own thoughts! So, earphones in MY HEAD instead of my thoughts seems to really help. I remember when I first started with this panic about 20 years ago, I did this WAY before I knew what was going on. I just knew I had a 4 year old and had to stop my crazy head and sometimes even get down the street to the store. So, I would put one of those old fashioned "one ear" plugs in, put a station I like...and go about with my shopping and stuff. While I haven't tried that one while in a store yet, I have when I go for walks. Also, I have when just at home panicking. The key here is...we need to not hear our own thoughts just long enough to "come down." Give it a try.
Let me know if it works for you.
Bonnie ;)