I completly understand the symptoms you are discribing. i too get that way often, when i feel so anxious that nothing feels better than rushing to the bathroom and trying to throw up. Sometimes I do throw up, and that makes me feel a lot better. But a lot of the time I just dry heave, and that seems to help as well. I suffer from acid reflux disease so I thought that was the main cause at first, but my anxiety brought with it a few other symptoms as well, such as detachment, light-headedness, rapid heartbeat and sweaty palms/dry mouth. I have been dealing with this for 2 1/2 years now, however not on a consistant basis. I tend to get more panicky during the holidays or when I am very stressed. i thought i could control it, but I have figured out the hard way that no matter how strong I think I am, I can be reduced to a puddle in a mere second when my anxiety decided to take control. For the last 5 weeks I have been on lexapro, the first step i have taken to try and rid myself of this bothersome anxiety. At first my doctor put me on 10mg, but it was too strong. So, now I am taking 5 mg once a day and my head feels a lot more relaxed. the side effects were minimal (and pretty much non-existent on 5mg). So far so good. I am hopeful. However, i also know that I am a strong person, and with God's help I know I can beat this. After all, i am only 24 and I have so much more of life to experience.