Dear Readybrek,
Wow, I sleep all the time, for the following reasons: all my meds (I take 5 in morning) makes me sleepy/fatigue, depression can cause tiredness, I sleep to escape my "worrys" and hopefully "dream" of happier times, I sleep to shorten my day, I do not work due to this "disability" and yes, have been called lazy, but those that don't understand, WELL, I "understand" and when I do even the littlest "chore", I feel GREAT!
yes, whenever I have a full blown out attack, I am totally drained, i panic knowing I HAVE to do "something" and then that drains, me too. I think it is common among us with anxiety/panic to feel quilty for not being able to do "what we think we should" - but, we also have to praise ourselves when we do something - even "minute", because WE know how hard it was to do it!