Hi All,
I apologize in advance for what I assume will be a lengthy post. I just registered here and have read many of the discussions. What a supportive group.
Thanks for being here.
Ok, my story. (you knew that was coming, right)
First, I'm not even sure if what I am experiencing is panic attacks. I'll get into that in a moment. I also wanted to mention that I know this group is not here to diagnose, I decided to post in the hopes that some input, suggestions, etc might be made. I am currently under a Doctors care.
Ok, Nov 10th about 3am, I'm lying down to go to sleep. (I've been having delayed sleep pattern for months, to bed between 3-4am, awaken between 10-11am) Within just a few moments of lying down, I felt 'blood pressure' pounding in my head, my skin and scalp becomes sensitive to touch. Wierd, I think.
Well that lasts only moments and then this horrible 'yucky' feeling washes over my body. So strongly, that I get up and go to the living room. Within minutes of that I am shaking like a leaf, I mean *shaking* where I couldn't hold something if I tried. Pressure and pain in my chest, a lump feeling in my throat, fingers and toes freezing and tingling.
Naseua, a few dry heaves, can't get a full breath....
pain wrapping around right side to back prior to this episode, for a few weeks, at least.
I drink some OJ and water. Wake my husband up. After about two hours of this, we start the car to go to emergency, but I feel a 'break' in the action and decide to wait a bit. (I've had my share of being blown off at ER rooms for other things, plus no insurance)
Ok, so it comes and goes for about another hour and after three very long hours total- I'm exhausted and am able to fall asleep - with directions to my husband to make sure I keep breathing!
For the next few days my nose and mouth were numb/tingly and I had constant pressure pain in my chest. Over the next ten days or so I had a few 'normal days'. About Nov 20th, sitting on the couch, my left arm started to have shooting pain. Ok, time to go to the ER. We went to the closest one and they took manual pulse at 150+. Blood pressure high. They do an EKG, chest xray, st josephs baby aspirin, blood and urine and transfer me to a hospital that has better monitoring equipment.