Dear Janice and Group:
What you say rings true. I recently heard from someone else who had experienced panic attacks that she has linked them with her episodes of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). I also make the same connection, having been gestationally diabetic during my last pregnancy (my son is a healthy 7-year old now, by the way). In hindsight, I realize that when I get anxious about some event coming up (like a driving exam, new job, meeting my son's teacher) I lose my appetite and eat very little. It dawned on me from advice received during my antenatal classes that I need to eat several small meals with protein and complex carbs to maintain an even blood sugar level (as I have been diagnosed with glucose intolerance, not insulin dependent, but my blood sugars get high if I eat refined flour and sugar and then subsequently drop drastically causing sweats, jitters, palpitations, etc., similar to insulin shock, but not quite as severe). I have since tried taking 1 tablespoon of liquid essential fatty acids (some call it "Balance" there are several brands sold in health food stores) along with some protein snack and a calcium/magnesium supplement every morning (hungry or not) and I notice my moods are better; however, I have yet to go for the final driving exam appt on March 19th -- I'll let you guys know then if this home-method still works!!! LOL
Note the home remedy worked this week when my son's teacher called re his minor behaviour problems at school. For the first time, I didn't overreact, felt the urge, but it just didn't overwhelm me... I was able to keep a distance perspective and still own the problem. I know we can deal with this and he will come out fine.
JitteryMom ;)