Hi loana. Most people are not aware that social anxiety disorder is a serious and debilitating condition. People with social anxiety fear and avoid a variety of social and performance situation just as people with panic disorder and agoraphobia avoid certain situations. The fear in social anxiety usually has more to do with the potential for humliation and embarrassment but people with social anxiety often experience panic attacks in social and performance situations. As a result of their fear and avoidance of social situations people with social anxiety miss out on a lot and often live restricted and lonely lives. The bottom line is that people with social anxiety are not, in general, better off, than people with panic disorder and agoraphobia. While their problems and symptoms are somewhat different, social anxiety can be just as serious a problem as panic disorder and agoraphobia.
Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
Hi Shanon, Not to make light of your crisis, but most of us don't leave the house much, let alone want to be in any kind of social situation, so you can see why there are probably no such groups. However, I heard there are all kind of groups on the internet and some of them even have live chats. I haven't looked into them but it might be worth a try. As for a good therapist...those are hard to come by. I feel that any therapist is good for somebody so the only trick is to find yours. Good luck to you!
I cannot believe how hard it is to find people in Austin, TX with Social Phobias (guess they are all hiding, to afraid?) I can't believe this. My shrink is of no help to me. I can't find a therapist I can trust. Also, I can't afford my meds either. Please, someone help me.