Hi Michelle, The doc told me it's all part of anxiety. Those are the things they ask you before they diagnose it. Try to do some things that keep your mind occupied like cross word puzzles and stuff. I do cross stitching and with that I have to constantly count and pay attention so my mind has to slow down to keep up with my hands. This way I don't have time to think of stressful things. Although you can't do that 24-7 and I know what you mean by not being able to fall asleep. I clench my teeth so bad that my jaw hurts in the morning. However, when I used to take meds that was the first problem that I got rid of. I guess the best thing to do is learn to meditate that way you learn how to relax your mind. I never have the patience for that though.
Hi Michelle,
I think it is anxiety when you can't seem to relax and you think to much, I also clench my teeth and even grind them in my sleep when I do sleep. :)
As I woke up this morning I was thinking the same question you posted but deep down I had an understanding that it was anxiety.
Is it anxiety when you think to much? I cant seem to relax my mind. I get tense and clench my teeth, and I cant sleep or concentrate. What can i do?