I have been suffering from panic/agorophobia/general anxiety for last 5 years. Things are sometimes very good for 4-5 months and then some incidence drags it back to level 1, which makes the things worst by next 7-8 months and again start to improve with some medication or other and cycle repeats.
In the last such cycle I was precribed Paxil(1/2 a day )which I took for about 5 months and felt really good, but due to side effects I wanted to discontinue it. I dicontinied and still kept better for about 3 months, but about 2 months back again the bad cycle started and this is at peak of scares now.
I tried to restart the paxil but on day 1 of restart I had such a ghastly attacks I discontinued and avoiding it so far. I take half to 1 tablet of xanax (Alprozolam) .25mg a day sometimes when I feel terribly bad (Usually twice or thrice a week). I want to regain the confidence to start on CBT and get away from medication if possible.
My question is can I start Paxil as prescribed (about 1 year back, and dosage was minimum) and have xanax for some days till I get better on paxil? Or Paxil and Xanax can not be taken together?
Point to mention here I started my panic attacks when accidently I had few drinks mixed with marijuana/kawa type oriental drug about 5 years back. On that night it scared a lot out of me as if I was having an heart attack, which indeed was a fatal combination. But after that I became cardio-phobic and things turned to panic/anxiety disorder. So I am very sensitive to physical symptoms and phobic to any combination of medicines which starts my worry wort thinking back.
Can I take 1 to 2 (.25 mg/tablet) xanax a day? Will it make me dependent?
Please let me know. Want to try CBT on my own without going back to medication loop so want to avoid psychiatrist if possible.
Thanks and sorry for such a long posting.