Hi everyone, I'm also new here. My name is Jerry.
I introduced myself in the introduction thread and here is where I wanted to discuss my latest symptoms and hopefully get feedback, advice, and support :)
I will try to make this brief. I've suffered from panic disorder all my life, I think I've had a touch of many of the anxiety disorders. I have the social phobia, I have some OCD symptoms, and I have all the generalized panic attacks and such.
I've done quite well with them and I haven't been on medication my entire life, just at different times. I've been through many episodes with this disease, it's even made me physically sick which is part of my problem lately.
The last few months have been hard, the anxiety and stress have caught up to me and I've received a boat load of physical symptoms that have made it hard to cope. It took it's toll earlier this month and on October 3rd I ended up in the Emergency Room, I was very weak and pale and didn't feel so great. Well after hours there and tests being done they said nothing was physically wrong with me and it was all anxiety and stress. I was relieved to hear that but at the same time I understood how serious this has become in my life again.
I have no health insurance at the present time so I'm awaiting approval from state insurance, if I'm lucky enough to get that they will pay my steep hospital bills and also I can get into a doctor and get back on anti-depressants should anxiety still be the major cause. I'm personally not a big medication fan but I'm open to it and I'm ready and willing to do whatever I have to do in order to put this under control again. Coming here was a good step I think.
Since October 3rd things have been rough at times though, I do good some days and other days I think everything is wrong with me. I can look on the web about symptoms I'm having and think I have every disease in the book, any little ache or pain and I start panicking that I'm going to endup back in the hospital or even die. Once I relax then the fears ease down.
When I match my E.R. diagnosis and many other things over the course of the last few months I really do feel deep down anxiety is the source of this and that it's haunting me since it's going untreated at least temporarily.