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Dissociative symptoms

for 22 år siden 0 198 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I can pretty much 'guarantee' you did not just 'lose it' over night - if you think about it, you may be able to unravel the mystery of, if nothing else, 'when' you actually began feeling a little 'strange' - then, you may be able to identify the 'triggers' for the anxiety and panic. Perhaps, and more than likely, it will an event or person or whatever, that is extememly unpleasant. From there, you will be able to, possiblely, face the issues and learn how to 'deal' with the 'factor' when it comes tapping you on the shoulder as 'panic'. Bye for now, Maria
for 22 år siden 0 57 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
WOW! What a revelation! I remember being little and having those feelings. Of course back then my imagination was wild and I thought I was taken over by aliens or who knows what else I came up with. But yes I remember it. I don't remember having panic attacks though. I was a very emotional child and I was always affraid of the dark and affraid of unseen things like spirits and ghosts. I did have a traumatic event happen where we had an earthquake and I walked outside to see a building collapse and it was just terrible. I was 4 years old and that is the first memory I have of being alive. Could it be that my dissorder is all rooted in this? And was I having anxiety as a child and nobody knew it? I think I could deal with this a lot better if I could justify that I didn't just "lose it" over night.
for 22 år siden 0 198 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear Ophelia, I am so glad to read your post. I have been in this strange 'funk' for about three years now. Not every single day, or even every single week, just a lingering 'strangeness' hovering. I know only too well it is anxiety. I have struggeled with anxiety/panic for about 16 years - and, had a 'bout of it in my teens when I knew nothing about it...accept for the fact that my Mother, rest her soul, took these 'pills', that were always in the hall closet (Librium) for when she had 'spells'. That is what they called it back then when she felt 'weird'. Bless her heart - how she suffered - my stepfather thought she was crazy - she even tried to commit suicide because she had no one to support her at all. No one knew back then. She finally died in the hospital from pneumonia and the nurse told me she was crying out in panic at the moment of her death. She died suddenly. We all, with anxiety disorders, should feel fortunate to have meds to help us AND feel thankful the public has been made aware of panic disorders. Although, even now, many people do not want to deal with it. I cannot keep a relationship going, because, inevitibaly, anxiety appears and scares them away. Oh well...lonliness has become part of my life these past years. Maybe it feeds the anxiety. I know how it feels to have a sense of 'not being in the now' and a feelings of 'floating out of reality'.I know I am o.k. because after I take my meds. I feel normal again. I wonder how I would react if I was out in the forest somewhere with no meds and a really big panic attack hit me - what would I do? What do you think 'you' would do? Does anyone out there have 'period of time' after a major pancic attack where you want to just stay inside? What a strange and haunting disorder anxiety/panic is. I have been going through a period of intense agoraphobia - I know it will pass - just feels so strange going through it. It is hard to deal with. I have not visited this site for awhile - and, when I come back, I always feel better. I also feel consoled to see so many others dealing with anxiety - I know I am not alone. Bye for now, Maria
for 22 år siden 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
one more thing, that feeling where you feel apart from your body is called floating anxiety. one of my freinds mom told me about it because she was dealing with the same problems as me for decades. theres not much information about it though, i hope that helps a little
for 22 år siden 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
ophelia, i also too have had the feeling that i cant remember the past and everyone that ive known for years seems unrecognizable at time. i know that its hard and also have felt out of my body and out of touch with reality for a long time now. maybe you should confide this with someone you trust or seek help. also just talking to people has really helped me too because sometimes i get so wrapped upin my own little world i forgot about what is real and right in front of me.
for 22 år siden 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
dan, i too have had the same thing happen to me. ill be standing up and just fall asleep. i have dealt with depression,anxety and panic attacks. i sleep alot too, and if im really tired i will fall asleep anywhere. sometimes i space out or if i close my eyes doing something i feel like im drifting off...i get kind of a weird feeling before and after too.
for 22 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
To Ophelia, I have had panic for 19 yrs, however I have gotten beyond everything but being alone. It is possible. I used to feel disassociated from myself. Yes, it's a very creepy feeling. Does your boyfriend help with this or does his presence make you feel more out of control? Just some food for thought. I used to feel like my mother was an alien or something when I was around her. I know it's because anxiety that goes on for a while can warp a person's perceptions of even the most familiar. I also found that, while my mother is nice, she is anxious herself so her presence set me off a little. Panicky people turn inward to themselves. I found it helpful to look outside at the trees or immerse myself in something outside of myself like a project. Depersonlization and derealization are not synonymous with insanity. I have been there and back. I have felt "far away" and not like "myself". I can relate. Hope this is helpful. I hope you can feel more grounded in the future.
for 22 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I pass out cold (once at a red light wile driving)once at my desk at work, many many times at home. Usually preceeded by an overwelming anxiety (panic)rush and cold sweats. Tomorrow I get a heart monitor for 1 day. Already had an EEG (some abnormalities in the temporal lobe). Waiting to see the Neurologist. Does anyone know anything about mixed panic attack/epilepsy symptoms?
for 22 år siden 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i have a huge problem. This axiety stuff started well over a year ago, but in the last 8 months or so, weird things are happening .I have been with my boyfriend for three years, lived with him for 2, and sometimes I look at him sitting on the couch or doing whatever, and I can't remember my past with him. And it's like sometimes I don't really know who he is, it's like he got there from absolutely nowhere. And my memory is suffering big time. I can't concentrate on anything for 2 minutes, but it's the not recognizing thing that's bothering me. I also seem devoid of feeling,except for crying, and I haven't felt "in my body "for a year, I feel like I don't even exsist. I hardly even have thoughts anymore. What the hell is wrong with me.?Please, somebody, tell me I'm not the only one experiencing this. I need someone who is suffering the same as I am so I know I'm not dying . Please. I need someone to tell me I'm not crazy. Ophelia

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