Weary..Hi.You have a name like mine...weary...I find it very difficult going to sleep at night to the point that my days and nights are backwards most of the time.I would feel so tired. Somedtimes just from boredom and not doing much all day, or doing TOO much and getting overtired. For some time I would take a book and started reading. Never got thru the 2nd paragraph before I fell asleep. Because my mind was absorbed on the reading and not wondering aWHY I couldn't sleep. Now if I feel really tired, but can't sleep, I go and sit outside on the porch for awhile and the fresh air helps me to get drowsy enough to sleep. Since I've understood my PA's and lived with them for some years now, whn they hapen, I just let go and let them work thier way thru. Leaves you worn out, but then you sleep. I know what is meant by someone who has a partner that can go to sleep as soon as thier heads hit the pillow, and my huband is like that. I just chalk it up to a clear conscience. Mine is never cler. Alays have to worry about something. The kids, a friend, what I have to do the next day..the list goes on and on. But I've come to terms with it, and slowly over the last few months, I hve been able to go to bed and actually sleep. I think you have to have an undertanding of how ;you are, and not be afraid of it. Accept it, and things seem to fall into place. Of course, I'm on meds, but have a good balance. For years, I couldn't say no to anything or anyone, but now I speak for MYSELF, and NO is sometimes a good word. It means that you are taking control of your own life, and with that, your true feelings. I've also learned that if something is bothering me, I speak right up about it; something I was never able to do as a younster or even a young adult. Msaybe the years have taught me tha at age 60, you say what you mean and do what you please. WighI hd learned that many years ago. My life would be so different now. We don't have that much time in this phase of our being, so we have to learn as well as teach.Laarning by listening and feeling, and teaching by what we have known to happen and deal with. Many of us are told that we are the strong ones; but its not because we are stong, its because something has to be done, and we do it. Not really OUR choice. When you reach the st