Just wondering:
I am a 33 Y.O. male, in otherwise fine health.
I have been having "episodes" for almost a year which started out of the blue as I awoke one morning. These events start with a twitching sensation in my left side, and rapidly a paralysis sets into my entire body, then I begin to convulse and eventually lose consciousness. When I come to, my breathing is labored, and I am very confused, and quite panicked by what happened for a period of time. It has happened twice during the day, the rest while in bed (usually when waking in the morning). Once I began this seizure like event while standing, without any control of my motor skills, I fell to the floor. While these events mimic that of a seizure (I bite my tongue etc.) I am relatively aware of what is happening to my body and surroundings during the episode. This is vivid recollection is particularly horrifying, but is apparently NOT typical for seizures.
Historically I have been a fairly anxious person, and of course these events (12 in 9 months) have caused my anxiety to progress to a debilitating point.
I am being treated now for seizures and GAD, but wonder if there could be a closer link between my two problems.
Can a severe form of panic attack cause seizure like events to a healthy person as I describe?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.