tANK.. LOST MY FIRST POST TO YOU.sO....HOPE YOU'RE FEELING BETTER NOW. i DON'T KNOW IF YOU MENTIONED ON ANOTHER FORUM, BUT i HOPE YOU ARE SEEKING MEDS AND dOCTOR'S ADVICE ON TH PA'S. If you do have one and you're alone, call someone, or even talk to a neighbour. You'd be surprised how many people have or had had these, and would be willing to talk you thru them. Do you breathing and find something like a scent to smell that will relax you. I use lavender, myself. Even Vanilla works. Anything to get thru them.
And they WILL pass.Give us a post and let us know how you're doing now. The post I read was a few weeks old. LUV. SUZY.
HI Tank
I'm new here and totally know what you're going through. I've been fighten through my attacks since January and now just startin to grab hold of them and do better. I used to have 2 or three every day and took medicine to help me through them, now I'm almost completely off my medicine,...something I thought would never happen.
Please let me know how you're doin. You're not alone. Never. and those horrible ugly symptoms always go away,.. always remember that. What I do is grab a cold bottle,.. put it up to my neck and rub the other side of my neck in a circular massage motion, lay on my side and take slow deep breaths thru my nose and blow out my mouth. try it.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel and all of us will get thru it!
Kiki :o)
TANK...take it easy and slow and do your breathing. Find womething to focus on, even if its counting tiles on the ceiling or floor. If you feel you can't get control, phone th cris line. thery will talk you thru it. Youll get thu it, an then probably feel tired and worn out. But we're all here to talk to and to listen. Are you feeling better yet? Let us know. LUV, SUZY.
Tank. Panic attacks sometimes make you feel as though you are out of control and going crazy. However, Tank, no one dies from a panic attack.
You haven't said whether you are undergoing treatment or not, or how often the panic attacks happen. If you are feeling out of control, then please do get medical help and don't go this alone.
Please read the following pages carefully
Do you practice deep breathing and relaxation exercises? Here's one: Inhale slowly for a count of five, and exhale for a count of five. Repeat four more times.