Hi, Suzy. This is a treatment program, the first online one. You can download the booklet, sure, but we put it that there for the convenience of people who don't have frequent Internet access.
We're hoping you will sign up for the online treatment program and work through it in the actual program. You can always print out the pages later. The program saves your workpages.
This message was edited by am on 8-30-02 @ 11:39 AM
Ann-Marie...this sounds great. I was wondering if this is similar to a work-book that is out for these kinds of problems. There is no time-limit to them and no wrong answers, but it helps you concentrate on how you are feeling and what makes you tick. Sort of a self-help book. I bought one after seeing a couple using them while at the beach and a good place to concentrate, but have since misplaced it.I don't have a printer yet, so I imagine you can download it and place it on your desktop. Is this possible?
Oh Anne Marie this is just fantastic. What a wonderful I dea. Thisis really great for those of us who really want to help ourselves. I am wondering though. Is this gona be available free of charge or are you eventually going to have to charge for this service? Just a question.
Thank You so much
The Panic Center is very proud to offer The Panic Program €“ an interactive program designed for those who suffer from Panic Disorder and/or Agoraphobia.
The Panic Program is 12 Session self-guided online course based on the latest research in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. If you would like to see how the program is structured, click here http://www.paniccenter.net/program/overview/how.cfm
For those of you who do not have regular Internet access, we have created a downloadable booklet that contains the same information that is in the online program. If you sign-up for the online program you may want to download the booklet so you can review past session. To access The Panic Program in booklet format please click here http://www.paniccenter.net/booklet/
We encourage you to use the online program as it records your progress. In the online version we also give you the option of printing out your Session Results so you can share them with your mental health specialist.
Please note that The Panic Program is designed to take 12 full weeks to complete. If you rush ahead in the program you may find that you become overwhelmed with the amount of information and exercises that you€™ll be asked to do.
Feel free to look ahead in the booklet format but do not work ahead in the online version. The online version was designed to be used a week at a time.
We look forward to your feedback and we hope that The Panic Program will help you. The Panic Program is 100% anonymous and it costs nothing to sign up.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by sending an email to support@paniccenter.net.
Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
This message was edited by am on 8-28-02 @ 10:42 AM