Many warm thanks for all the information and personal sharing that you've done here.
A few months ago, I started experiencing panic attacks out of the blue at work. I smelled something burning and thought I was dying. Short of breath, tingling in hands, dizzy, etc...thought it was a terrorist attack and didn't realize I was the only one with symptoms. Made a complete fool of myself running around asking everyone else if they could breathe.
It's been a few months now, and I'm still having symptoms. I have almost constant pressure behind one ear, the other or both. I'm often nasally congested for no apparent reason. I've been to the family doctor, neurologist, ENR and an allergist.
Found out I'm mildly allergic to some things including dogs (I have 8). My symptoms occur at any hour and come and go seemingly at random. I get headaches and for a while I was getting terrible eyeaches. I often feel as if something is caught in my throat or something is irritating it. Every now and then I feel as if I have a mild fever. My blood pressure shoots from 110/70 to 135/90 several times a day.
I've been through an MRI and CAT scan. Nothing shows up. I've had some blood work done. Nothing shows up. I've been prescribed Paxil twice, but so far, I haven't decided I need to take it (more scared of side effects than I am of my current symptoms)
Without some of the personal experiences related on this site, I would truly be convinced at this point that I was dying of something horrible. Thank you everyone for letting me know I'm not alone, not crazy, and can survive the worst moments involved with these panic attacks.
I hope that I can be helpful to one or two of you in the future.