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How to explain this to my 7 year old??

for 22 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Anne Marie I figured out that is what you meant. LOL Again thank You. Elaine
for 22 år siden 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I just reread my post and realize that by 'discuss the whole topic' you might interpret this as the subject of panic attacks. What I meant by topic was her perception of what happened that day as well as her fear about you. -- Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
for 22 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank You-Thank You -Thank You. Anne-Marie, Janice and Beth. Your suggestions were absolutely wonderful ones. I did talk to her today and she just hugged me and said. Mommy, I Love You! I cried. She is my youngest of 4 children. My 3 oldest were around when I had them in the beginning and they did the some of the things that Anne Marie suggested.I have not had an attack in a long time for me that I kinda forgot some of my coping stuff. Today I had an anxious feeling day that is unusual for me. I really think that I am feeling some anxiety about Sept 11. I know it has been a year and I knew no one who was personally touched by this tragedy, but I saw what happened on the TV and I did have some nightmares and some anxiety for about a week after that but things did go back to my "normal". Is any one else who may be feeling this sort of dread about Sept 11. I cannot watch any of the stuff they have had on TV in the past few weeks, before that I watched it and no anxious reactions like I have now. No panic but that sinking gut feeling and some other minor stuff that I now means I am anxious, but htis is way off the topic LOL. Again thank You 3 for your help in this matter. I will let you know how things go. Bless you all, Elaine
for 22 år siden 0 75 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Elaine, that is definitely a tough situation. Its hard enough explaining this panic thing to grown adults, let alone children! I haven't any children, so i couldn't possibly relate. I guess i would just suggest that you stress to your child that you are safe, you are not dying, you just don't feel well sometimes. You could explain why you don't feel well, and how, and just make sure your child knows that they have NOTHING to do with this feeling you have. I think that children just need to be assured of safety, protection and that they are not to blame. This may be perfectly useless advice, like i said, i don't have children. I just really sympathize with your situation, and really want the best for you and your family. Actually, i would be really interested to hear how you resolve this. If you don't mind sharing, i just think that what you're doing is so important and brave, and i think a lot of us could benefit from your advice and experience. Take care, i'm thinking of you. Beth
for 22 år siden 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Elaine, My heart goes out to you because I have a 7 year old daughter as well. I've never told her that I'm "SCARED", I actually haven't "TOLD" her anything officially. She knows that I don't feel well sometimes, mostly when we go shopping. My husband is with us 90% of that time, so he takes over, and gets me to the car and she decides if she wants to stay with me or go with him. So far she seems o.k with it, she gets a kick out of holding my hand and nursing me, but it's not that often because I'm not the shopper in the family. Lucky for my husband, my fear is mostly in stores so we save alot of money. But, when I'm having a "good" day I make up for lost time! I live and breathe my daughter, and I am constantly giving her praise and try to boost her confidence. I think at this point all they need is LOVE and SECURITY, just like us all! Maybe if my mother had given it to me I wouldn't be so screwed up? Luv Janice
for 22 år siden 0 1062 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI, Elaine. I'm not a therapist, but I am a mom. I think that children pick up smallest of body signals extremely well. No, I don't think it, I know it. My kids developed it into an art form, (as most kids do so they can press our buttons at times, LOL, and keep us on our toes and train us to be parents.) ;) If I were the one having the attacks, I would be concerned that she might be learning the same reactions and behavior. I would not want her to grow up thinking this is the ideal way to react or deal with something, especially as I would not want her to grow up and experience panic attacks. I'm sure you don't want this for her either. I would therefore pick a quiet calm moment to discuss the whole topic with my child and tell her how she could be of help to me, such as by taking both my hands and facing me, telling me she loves me and that I am going to be all right. Or, she could be instructed to coach me with my breathing by counting slowly, so that she feels she is contributing to helping me get through this. I would not dismiss it or lie to her and tell her it's nothing though, because to you it is something and I'm sure she knows that. I would not give her the responsibility of getting me through this, (such as assigning her the responsibility for emergency meds if I carried any), but I would let her feel she is contributing to helping me get through a bad moment. A Subtle difference, but one that I feel is quite important. And I would verify this, so she doesn't carry any burden of guilt or responsibility around with her. (I would want my daughter to feel she's helping me with my baggage, but I would make it very clear that it isn't her baggage too.) Maybe your doctor or therapist and other members can offer more suggestions. And if she were to help me during these moments, I would hug her and tell her how much I appreciate her. Blessings to you and your little one. -- Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
for 22 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
As I have written before, I had an isolated panic attack a few weeks ago when I was taking my 7 year old daughter to the library. When I was having the attack she could tell something was wrong and she looked scared. I kept telling her I was alright that mommy got scared but it was not anything that she had to worry about. Does any one have any suggestions aobut how to explain to a child her age and what shoudl I do if I have an attack when I am alone with her again. I am not scared about it happening again with her but just would like to have some ideas of what to do so she does not become scared herself.

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