I, too, am suffering from anxiety and (most recently) panic attacks. I'm 32. Ever since 1991, I have felt like something was "caught in my throat" and I went to two doctors to see what it was. They couldn't find anything. Been that way ever since, but I just got used to it. Now I realize it was anxiety.
Then, over the last 3 weeks, a LOT has happened. I have a very stressful job (I'm an engineer, promoted to project manager 8 months ago, and the only female). I catch heck from everyone in the book because I'm the liaison between the customer and the company, and all I get is bad news. Anyway, the past few months have been very tough at work. So with that occupying my daytime hours, when I go home I care for 6 feline leukemia positive cats, one of which had a seizure two weekends ago. I also care for strays (get them vaccinated and spayed/neutered) so money's tight. One of them that I'd been caring for (but had not been able to catch during the day to take into the vet) showed up with a bum leg. That time I caught him, and hauled him in the next day. Turned out to be a bite of some sort. Well, one month later he bit me. I went to the doc, they put me on antibiotics, and it cleared up in 4 days. 10 days after he bit me, he disappeared. Haven't seen him in 7 weeks. So my mother says "you sure he didn't have rabies?"
OK, so meltdown #1 happened. Too late for me to get the preventative shots, you know. So it's a wait and see. But I ended up in the ER, with blood pressure double what it normally is.
Immediately following that, I began having ear pain, nausea, and facial/neck numbness/tingling. Scared me to death. I went to the doctor, she said I probably have a sinus infection, gave me antibiotics and decongestant. The next day, I had a major episode of head rushing to the rest of my body pins and needles feeling, then like a burning/ice feeling all over, too. Doc changed my antibiotic and decongestant. Meanwhile, facial/neck numbness/tingling switched to the OTHER side of my face. My hands would pour sweat at the drop of a hat. Occasionally the tingling would shoot out to the rest of my body, and the room would seem real bright or real dim. It was like a bad dream that wouldn't go away.
Two days later, I went back to the do