Astrea..sometimes it takes quite a while to get on to the meds that agree with you with little side effects. I was over a year getting a balance on what was good for me and finally started to reel normal and human again. There are so many out there and so many dosages that you have to keep trying ti one suits you. Psst esperiences DO sometimes cause the panic attacks or anxiety and since you have found yours, you should be fine, if you can get the right balance in meds. Or maybe that is not the trigger. Sometimes you have to go so far back to even when you were an infant to dicover the causes. Many people never do. I hven't found mine yet, but getting close. Many discussions with my family regarding the past and my childhood seem to help and all of a sudden, find the trigger for it all. Hidden triggers are just that, Hidden. They need to be opened up and many people can't do that. And one day, it all comes flooding out, when least expected. That's what I'm hoping for, with the help of prayer and journalling. Best to you, and keep posting. LUV, SUZY.