Hi!! I hope all of you are getting good sleep? I think we all have a difficul ttime of it. *sigh*
Well, here's the deal with me. I have an extremely hard time falling asleep. I mean, I am tired, I'm not over thinking, I achieve the dozing part, but my whole body goes through this change, I can feel it. Like there's this weird adrenaline rush when I start to drift and it wakes me up with a jerk sometimes. It's NOT a panic attack either, I just can't figure it out. :confuse:
Does anybody in here hae this problem? I feel this ..... SOMETHING wash over my whole being and it ruins my sleep and I have to start all over with a few deep breaths, it's so frustraring.. :mad:
I am trying, day by day to overcome this, It's hatd, I am not on med's or seeing a doc. i think I can do it though, only because I'm so determined though. i hae a sister who had this when she was my age, and it was drug related also, she did it, SO CAN I!! :|
I think it's gonna take a LOT of willpower, faith on Him, and patience.
I think we all will get through this.
To Beth, I read all your posts, and I feel liek we have a lot in common. Keep going gf!1
God Bless....Luv Sasha