Whew! big stuff! (deep breath) I sincerely believe, the more we keep talking about it, opening up, looking at it, willing to get professional help, willing, willing, willing -- that we will keep making steps to overcoming and learning the coping skills we desperately need - we do have extra "stuff", what comes easy to others, seems to be impossible to us - at times.... sometimes that looks huge and other times it's manageable..... Kim - you ARE doing all the right things right now, you're taking action, you're willing, you're getting professional help and input - that's more than most can or are willing to do. You're already looking at your drinking as a problem - so, just keep going with everything you're doing - I know for me, as soon as I start moving in a direction I have a tendancy to want to overcome EVERYTHING, RIGHT NOW!! Even with recovery I want to overdo - that immediate gratification thing ....
Beth - you're doing awesome, you are here, you're talking you're working through it, you're showing up and I believe you WILL have all your heart desires! We will NOT let our fears consume us - we CAN overcome this - well I'll just say - ****! cuz it can totally suck sometimes! but it doesn't stay that way, not if we're willing to keep going through the process of overcoming and finding what works for us - solution, coping skills - taking the fear out of the picture, taking the power out of the fear!!!!!! the more I talk to others about solution, the stronger I feel - the more I talk about what troubles me with an open willingness for direction and guidance, the stronger I feel - the less power my fears have, the less time I spend alone with my thoughts ......... I think we're doing great! it may not feel like it all the time but I look at us all and we're walking the walk, talking the talk -- willing to overcome -- looking for solutions -- showing up the best we can..... Kim, please keep showing up and talking - it helps us too -- you don't have to give all the nitty gritty details we can respect that you want to keep some things private - you don't see me sharing all the deep dark secrets here - I save that for therapy.... but, it's a common problem with a common goal, solution, coping skills - overcoming..... not feeling held hostage to our