Suzy, to answer your questions on my feelings with the job -- haven't sat down and really dissected it yet - with all I have going on, I'm taking baby steps and just re-entering life again (it feels) working on my attitude and outlook - so for right now, I'm just doing my best to show up and be present in my life -- BUT -- it's still something I'm going to look at -- really feel it's worth asessing, even if I don't change jobs right away, it's something I want to look at because I feel like it's nearing a career change for me ..... been in the same line of work for about 13 years now, feeling the desire to do something TOTALLY different -- but, that'd add a lot of change to my life, thinking now's not the IDEAL time to do that ;) although, that IS my nature, stir things up when they don't need it ;) thanks again for that insight, it got the wheels turning and made me look at the situation with a different perspective.......
hope you all are doing well tonight, finding some peace and getting a good night's rest -- I'm on my way to get some shut eye now...zzzzzzzz :)