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for 22 år siden 0 10 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh Beth-- I just want to hug you at this time! And kisses too! It comes from someone very far away. So don't you ever feel lonely. I have been reading your postings and I can somehow feel the connection of your dreams and your fears. Hey, there's hope for all of us. I am praying for all of the members here to get better. Take care and God bless you. As for you Ron, stay beside your friend and say HELLO FOR ME. Luv always, CHERRY ;)
for 22 år siden 0 75 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ron, I also have problems with nightmares, although i'm not too sure whether they have much to do with anxiety. They certainly CAUSE anxiety sometimes though. I think that most of us here could safely say that we don't sleep well. As for dreams, i think it depends on the individual. Some people are fortunate enough to not remember their dreams. The ones that cause me the most anxiety, are the ones that are extremely realistic, and just awful to imagine. While your friend's may focus around people being mean to her, mine tend to focus around people forgetting me. Interesting...(I've never thought about that b/4) Best of luck!
for 22 år siden 0 73 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ron - I'm sorry to hear about your friend - that's a toughie..... here's what's happened to me around nightmares & panic/anxiety -- I've been through some traumatic things in my life and seems, for me, that what happens is when I'm 'dealing' with those traumas, trying to cope with life and not be consumed that when I'm sleeping is when my subconcious is trying to 'work out the details' so to speak. (others have helped me get more clarity on the whys with this too) primarily, when I'm awake I'm trying to 'do' life, show up for the job, show up for my relationships, take care of the cats, the house, -- you get my point -- so when I'm sleeping, or falling asleep (whatever state of sleep you're in) my subconcious tries to tackle the things I haven't been able to yet - or that were so traumatic that it hits me on a deeper level.... I don't know if that makes sense (?) but that's been what's happened to me -- there's been nights where I've woken up drenched in a cold sweat and total fear, sometimes I wake up,(even from a nap) IN a panic attack -- it's been a scary thing to deal with but talking about it with others who understand and continuing work with a therapist has really helped..... has something traumatic happened to your friend recently? it doesn't have to be "dramatic" trauma can be any sort of big change, or fearful thing - to the victim - as I couldn't define what would be fearful for your friend...... I think the fact that she has you to talk to and that you're willing to come here and ask questions is a wonderful thing. Does she know about this site as well? As for how to get some more sleep - well, reading, writing there's a lot of good things, but when you're having a tough time, it's really hard sometimes to DO anything -- as soon as I started looking at what might be going on with me, with why the dreams/nightmares might be happening they seemed to become more manageable AND I lost the fear I had associated with falling asleep. It's a journey, we all are learning and it's really probably about self-discovery and facing the fears without fear... that's what I'm learning anyway -- nothing's as scary as I make it to be in my mind and I possess all the things I need to deal with any given situation -- MUCH easier said than done though ;) I
for 22 år siden 0 7 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello everyone. It has been a while since I have been here I have another question. My friend told me yesterday that she didn't sleep because of a nightmare. Last night I talk to her about them she told me that they are anxiety nightmares of poeple being mean to her. Is this a comin thing that happens with Panic Disorder? She told me that she has had these for the past few oh I think she said 7 years or more. She is not getting any sleep. I thought about finding her a book that is nothing but how to I put this happieness, no sad things. I really appricate your help with this. Thank you so much. ron

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