kIM. pANIC DISORDER IS JUST THAT. a DISSORDER. And the best place to get help is thru a mental Health organization. Your own Doctor should be able to put uou in tuch with such an organization, or therapist for panic attacks and anxiety. The two go together. When your btain cana't cope with certain situations, that is where you have to look for the solutions. It is certainly nothing to be ashamed of as it is an illness. You really have to take a positive attitude toward your problem and be not afraid to call it what it is, or you will not be able to deal with it. I found many contacts in the West (Victoria BC) where there are medical groups, therapists, and groups that help a great deal with understanding and coping skills.
Once you have a true understanding of what is happening to your body and brain, you have won half the battle. Don't be afraid to ask for help anywhereyou can get it. It means so much in the battle. Good luck. Even the crisis centre has help with contacts for you. And about the idea of self-medication - never do that. Always refer to your Doctor for advise. There are too many drugs out there ( over the counter) that can just manke matters worse, and many people turn to drinking to ease the anxiety; and then you are battleing more problems. I've seen that ruin a lost of lives that way, too. Its simply a medical problem that needs tending to by the professionals that understand your problem. If your doctor doesn't know too much about them, then see another one that does. My Doctor didn't know anything about them until I went to him about it, and he did some reseaarch and reading and now is well versed on the subject and just talking with him has helped me greatly. Good luck in your quest, and learn to relax when you feel the signs of one coming on. Breath, relax, and let it take its coarse and it will pass. LUV, SUZY. ;)