Hi Celyn,
I'm really sorry to hear that you have problems with panic. But hey, I do to, and just wanted to welcome you to this site. I hope you keep using it!
Look forward to talking to you more!
Hi, Celyn! Welcome! We are a relatively new site. Thanks for the kind words about it.
Do stick around, won't you? We are in the final stages of testing new useful things that will make the site even better and more helpful.
Anne-Marie, Site Administrator
Well, hi everyone - I am very new and am not used to the site yet - but from what I've seen, I think it will be very good for me!
It is sort of oddly comforting to realise that many people have the same problem. I was diagnosed in January - but on reflection, I really ought to have made the decision to dare to go to the doctor before.
Like other members whose posts I have read, I have fits of going into "stealth mode" (cute phrase) and being scared to go out, and being jittery even alone at home. I am sure I will come to value this site a lot! Thank you!
BTW - it seems like a really prettily designed message board too (even apart from the useful content)